Facelift Procedure
Scarsdale | Westchester
Reduce visible signs of aging in the face and neck.
The demand for a youthful and attractive appearance has increased as the population has aged, and mass and social media have promoted the desire for youth and beauty. In the era of Zoom meetings and video everything, we all want to look our best, and that often includes looking more youthful.
There are many nonsurgical treatments available today that will help you look younger. But despite what you may have heard or read, no injection, treatment, or topical solution can match the results of a surgical facelift. If you need an all over lift, with a beautiful, natural result, a facelift can deliver that, and it’s probably less involved than you may think.
What is a facelift?
A facelift can only be performed surgically and consists of skin on each side of the face being lifted and pulled back and the facial tissues realigned to create a more youthful contour of the face. Excess skin is removed and the incisions are sutured closed. Facial surgery is a complex procedure that restores a younger appearance in patients and should only be performed by surgeons trained and skilled in this type of surgery. Dr. Farruggio has years of experience, extensive knowledge in facial anatomy, a very specific skill set of surgical techniques, and a highly developed eye for aesthetic detail. You must be healthy and a non-smoker so you will be able to heal properly from the surgery. Talk to Dr. Farruggio to discuss your expectations, healing, and recovery from facelift surgery.
Nonsurgical facial rejuvenation treatments
Nonsurgical rejuvenation treatments cannot achieve the same results, but they may help delay the time at which a facelift becomes appropriate or complement the results of surgery. A facelift can reduce signs of aging to a great extent, but it cannot reverse damage to the skin or remove all facial wrinkles around the eyes, below the nose, and around the lips. For best results, you can combine a facelift with other treatments such as a blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), a TCA peel, laser treatments, and injectables.

Types of facelifts
We’re not talking about good vs. bad here! Numerous surgical techniques and advances have taken place over the last 20 years, and gone are the “windblown” results of skin pulled too tightly. Today’s facelift, especially in the hands of Dr. Farruggio is able to achieve beautiful, natural looking results that take years off of your appearance!
Many options for facial surgery are available today, including SMAS facelift, mini facelift, and neck lift or a combination of the above.
SMAS facelift is performed by removing excess skin, lifting and tightening the SMAS facial muscles and tissues. The skin is then re-draped over the face, and the incision is sutured. The incision usually falls along the front of the ears and hairline or in a place where the skin would naturally crease, so it is well hidden . SMAS facelift surgery can help a patient look, not just younger, but better. It’s still you, but a younger-looking you.
A mini facelift is essentially a scaled-down version of a full facelift. Shorter incisions are made in front of and behind your ears. The skin is lifted, the SMAS muscle is tightened and excess skin removed. Tiny sutures are used to close the incisions. A mini facelift is ideal for a person who has minimal “jowling” without a significant amount of excess skin on the neck. It also lends to a quicker recovery for the patient.
A neck lift is a popular procedure that pulls up the skin of the neck to provide a tighter appearance and more distinct jawline. It may also include tightening up “muscle bands”and removal of fat and excess skin of the neck . Often a neck lift is done in combination with a SMAS facelift which is considered a full facelift.

Before & After
View actual before and after plastic surgery photographs of Dr. Sal's patients.
The facelift recovery process
The recovery process is surprisingly quick for most patients with minimal discomfort and pain. Patients typically return to normal daily activities after about a week or two following a standard facelift, and these time frames are often even shorter after a mini facelift or neck lift.
The cost of your facelift will depend on which type you get and other factors like fat removal and the amount of tissue adjustment necessary. We will discuss all costs with you in advance, so you will be well informed when making your decision.
How long does a facelift last?
Think of a facelift like a reset, not like stopping the clock, which is not possible. After a facelift, the natural aging process will continue. Patients generally enjoy great results for about a decade. The way you treat your skin, the products you use (especially sunblock) and lifestyle will also determine the longevity of your facelift results.

Are You a Candidate?
Dr. Sal believes in providing objective information and honest opinions so you can make informed decisions. Contact Dr. Sal for a free consultation.
Ask Dr. Sal

Here are some of the frequently asked questions we have answered for our patients over the years:
This is one of the most common questions I am asked about facelifts. My answer is an emphatic no. The days of tightly pulled facelifts are past. Instead, we work to provide a beautiful, natural result that patient often gets asked – have you been on vacation or lost weight? Everyone will notice you look “better,” but no one will guess how or why.
Many patients are nervous or afraid of surgery, but most procedures I offer are not nearly as painful as you might expect them to be, and they don’t require excessive downtime. You’ll want to rest and recover for about a week or so, and you’ll wear a facial garment to prevent bruising and swelling. Often my patients do not need any pain medication. By the end of the first or second week, you can return to most day-to-day activities, including work.
One of my most important principles as a plastic surgeon is to provide patient-driven treatments. When I meet a new patient, I want to hear about what is bothering the patient. My questions are – how do you feel about yourself and what would you like to improve? Only then can you decide when it is the right time for you to get a facelift. There is no magic age when someone should get a facelift. Like all aesthetic surgery, it is a personal decision. I will be there to guide you through the options and each step of the process.
Contact us below to ask a question or request a consultation. One of our team members will be back in touch with you within one business day. If you require more immediate attention, please call us at 914-723-6300.
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2 Overhill Rd., Suite 430
Scarsdale, NY 10583